Can't we just stay inside and play some video games all night? I bet I can satisfy a few fantasies while we do.
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5ft 4in
Hair: Blonde
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Orientation: Straight
Language: English
Nationality: USA
Weight: 118 lbs
Cup Size: D Cup
Dude, have you tried out this new Fallout 4 game!?? Hell, there goes my life. I could totally play that game for probably the rest of mine, because living in a post apocalyptic wasteland is so much better. Except for all those super mutants though. Man, what would I do if one of those guys took me out on a date? Outside of showing him a good time, ha I'd probably fall in love with his giant muscles and other giant, well, other things. I wonder if that gets bigger with all the radiation? Or is it like one of the juiced up steroid dudes walking around Vegas with his neck bigger than his face at the expense of his shrinking junk smaller than his pinky. I'd probably go with the super mutant in that case. Mutant or not, hung like a horse is hung like a horse. But I digress. I'd love to play some video games with you tonight. I bet I could satisfy a few of your fantasies while at it.
I use to have this boyfriend. Few years ago. Total jerk (aren't all exes total jerks?). He had a fantasy of playing video games while drinking a beer out of one of those Foam Dome hats and getting some nice oral action from a girl. Well, let's just say he no longer has that fantasy...I also kind of ruined his controller. That rumble pack on the back of the controller really is a great vibrator substitute. Amazing. Now, not saying I'll satisfy that kind of fantasy of yours, but hey, you never know, right? Maybe we just end up as a killer tag team on our game and it really gets me fired up. Hard to tell. Just have to check it out, of course.
Let's Play Together
Now, yeah, I love video games. I'm not one of those girls who says "yeah I love video games" and then only play Mario Cart on a Nintendo 64. No, I'm all about the new stuff. But I'm more than that. After all, when calling up for girls direct to your room Las Vegas services, you aren't always going to have a PS4 locked away in your carry on (the day I see a guy whip out his PS4 on a plane and try to plug it into the video screen on the seat-back in front of him is the day I'll join the Mile High Club). I'm good for stuff outside of the room. After all, you don't live in Vegas just to sit in a room all day. So if you're not much into gaming (gasp!) or are looking for something else to do, I'll be your Vegas call girl. I'll just have to find a different joy stick to work with. Any suggestions?
Visit Your Room
You're only in Vegas for a short amount of time, so let's get the game started quickly. It is why I offer the girls to your room Las Vegas service. I'm always able to make it to your room without a problem. I know my way around Sin City like the back of my controller, so finding your spot is as simple as a cross-button power move in Mortal Combat. We can start it up right in your room and then move on from there. Who knows what our night might take us to. I do love a good cocktail too. Of course, Vegas is the perfect city for liking cocktails. There are restaurants around town that have incredible food but go out of business because their cocktails suck. No joke. So I'll enjoy my whisky while you can enjoy your own cocktail. Fun fact, did you know that whisky is only spelled with an "e" when the country it is from is spelled with an "e." Irish whiskey, United States whiskey (or bourbon, if you really want to get down to it), or Scottish whisky, whisky from Japan and other examples (hey, I like my booze, so I have some useless knowledge about it). Either way, let's get the party started right with a solid cocktail and then go from there.
There are plenty of Las Vegas call girls out there. But why should you just go with a girl with big tits, blonde hair and just likes to drink? I'm a girl with big tits, blonde hair who likes to drink aaaaaaaand plays video games. So BAM! You just can't handle what the Rock is cooking. And what I'm cooking up is a great evening with you and me together. That is why I'm the perfect Las Vegas call girl for you, whether you like video games or not.
I know most of the other Las Vegas girls won't really talk about playing video games or other kind of stuff they like to do. Maybe they just aren't real enough, or maybe they haven't enjoyed the thrill of everything the games can offer. Oh well, I guess we can just play some naughty games together. What do you say? If you want girls in Vegas but want to make sure your girl is the utmost dream, well you don't need to escape to some augmented reality to do that. You just need to escape to Las Vegas and give me a call. I'll be all the reality you can handle. I'll try to answer on the first ring, but if I don't, just know I'm not in a save mode spot yet on the game.
Pretty much started and stopped with Aubrey. Went online to check out the different girls. Wanted a blonde. That's basically it. Just wanted a blonde. Saw her pic, got instantly turned on. Once I took care of that (thank you pics of Aubrey) I booked her. Will be doing that again real soon. She's just the perfect woman and the perfect body. Once I figure out how to marry this chick I'll be doing that to. - J.J.
If you're gonna get an escort, get Aubrey!! I've been with a bunch of them, and none of them sat in my lap to play games!! If your a real person and you just wanna sit around and play games with a beautiful woman and then celebrate your victory, do it with Aubrey. I know I did.
One look at this girl's photo and I knew I had to call. She lived up to my expectations ten-fold. I never thought someone so beautiful would be so sweet. Usually they are stuck-up. Not Aubrey! She showed me a few tricks I can use later on, making it a night full of learning experiences. Thumbs up all the way. - Pyramid D.
This tasty blonde treat was hired for my buddies bachelor party to dance for us. We had such a good time with Aubrey that I thought I’d leave her a review even though I didn’t hire her. Her mad skills are something to see man! Blonde long hair and big boobs are my sweet spot so I was in love with her on the spot. She made the entire room of guys feels special which is quite a talent. - Anon